


Riverside Community School

Receives Funding From Iowa Local Food For Schools

More Riverside  meals will be featuring Iowa foods thanks to a grant from the Iowa Local Food for Schools grant (LFS). 

The School District has been awarded $4000.00 to procure local foods that are healthy, nutritious and unique to their geographic area. 

In addition to increasing local food consumption, funds also build and expand economic opportunity for local, socially disadvantaged producers and small businesses. Through this program, producers are able to sell to K-12 schools participating in the National School Lunch Program. School awards are facilitated by the local food hubs. 

Jackie Moore, Riverside Food Service Director says that through the LFS program their school will have more fresh fruits and vegetables grown right here in Iowa. 

Iowa Local Food for Schools was launched in October 2022 by the USDA Agricultural Marketing Service with funding from USDA’s Commodity Credit Corporation. LFS is a cooperative agreement with the USDA and Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship. 

To learn more about the program and how to support it, visit https://www.iowafarmtoschoolearlycare.org/lfs. The LFS program is building new partnerships and infrastructure across the state to continue serving K-12 schools with high-quality local food.